Seaplane Pilot

Dewan Consultants

We are hirnig for a Seaplane Pilot

Job location – Saudi Arabia

Nationality - Open

Salary range
– 32,700 SAR
Accommodation and transportation are provided
– At least have 1000 hours in single engine float or 500 hours in Cessna C208 Amphibian

Role aim
– Responsible for getting passengers to their destination safely, being able to anticipate changes and solve problems effectively and efficiently, as well as performing within the regulatory framework and according to provisions of the Operations Manual.

Line Pilot – Core Duty
– The safe, proper, and efficient operation of the aircraft and the safety and comfort of the passengers.
– A high degree of proficiency on and a thorough knowledge of the aircraft.
– A thorough knowledge of all instructions, operating procedures, and professional information relating to aircraft operations and task performance.
– A high standard of personal physical fitness and mental acuity.
– A high standard of personal conduct.
– Determining that, prior to flight, an aircraft is in all respects airworthy, that all required documentation is correct and complete, and that the aircraft is properly equipped and loaded.
– Familiarity with all available information regarding weather, any possible hazards in the area of operation, and all other relevant operating and procedural information affecting the flight.
– Thorough pre-planning of all aspects related to a flight, that notification of the flight as required is actioned, and that all required documents and forms are fully and properly entered before, during and after flight.
– The maintenance of records as required by the Company.
– The proper notification of accidents, incidents, emergencies, and hazardous situations or conditions as detailed in the operations manual.
– Ensuring that flight crew and passengers are properly briefed as required and, the safe and smooth handling of passengers and cargo always.
– The proper representation of the Company to all customer representatives, agents, airport and Civil Authorities, and the public in general.
– The provision of proper handling and servicing of the aircraft on the ground when ground handling or maintenance personnel are not available and ensuring aircraft security when on detachment from the base.

Recruitment Criteria
– Valid Class 1 medical
– Current IR
– 3000 Hours Total Time; and
– 1000 Pilot in Command Time; and
– 1000 Hours Single Engine Float Time; or
– 500 Hours on type in configuration

As per KSA Labor Laws

Job Information:
– Airline – Aviation

– Jeddah

– ‘Asir

– Saudi Arabia

Zip/Postal Code
– 21577


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